On 4/29/2010 1:53 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> On 4/29/2010 11:40 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>> I am at the section where we are validating the record.  When I click
>> save on a new record, there is no message and it adds a blank record
>> with a date to the cursor.  When I close the form and reopen it, the
>> empty records are gone.  I have closely inspected the code and it
>> matches the downloaded code and there is no traceback.  Everything else
>> works fine.
> Maybe I can answer my own question.  I am connecting to the data on the
> dabo site which you probably don't want me mucking with.  But shouldn't
> it give me the validation errors?
I verified that validateField fires for each field but validateRecord 
never fires.

 From my Recipes.py:

        def validateField(self, fld, val):
                print "validateField"
                return ""  ## validateRecord is better
                if fld == "title":
                        return self.validateTitle(val)

        def validateRecord(self):
                print "validateRecord"
                msgs = []
                msg = self.validateTitle()
                if msg:
                if not self.Record.date or self.Record.date < 
datetime.date(1990, 1, 1):
                        msgs.append("There must be a valid date.")

                if msgs:
                        return "The recipe '%s' could not be saved because:\n" \
                                        % self.Record.title.strip() + 
                return ""  ## all okay


Jeff Johnson

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