On Aug 27, 2010, at 9:34 AM, Paul McNett wrote:

> >  That's cool, but it requires the sqlite client to be installed, and I'm 
> > running this
> >  creation code from within my python program distributed with py2exe, 
> > py2app, and
> >  cxFreeze.

Paul, this is something I would like to know more about.  Are there any 
specific pitfalls or extra steps you have to go through to package a 
Dabo app using these tools, as opposed to packaging a generic Python 
app?  I know Dabo is all Python, but I remember when I was looking in to 
this issue previously, including extra libraries in py2exe seemed to be 
problematic.  It looks like cxFreeze would help with that, but I have 
only read the description on their web site.  As you appear to have 
walked this road already, I thought I would try and tap your knowledge.

I am still working through the basics of Dabo, but every chance I get to 
play with it, I'm bombarded with cool projects I would like to try and 
build, which leads me to think about trying to package them in a format 
that's easy to consume for folks that don't already have all the 
dependencies installed.

By the way, Paul and Ed, it's been a pleasure working through the PyCon 
Tutorial.  It's quite well done.  The explanation of 3-Tier design and 
all the care that has gone in to the design of Dabo was quite 
fascinating, not to mention the obvious coolness of Dabo itself.

If you wanted to put together a tutorial or screencast about packaging 
Dabo apps, I would hang on your every word.  I know you're busy, just 
wanted you to know if you were inclined to put something together, you 
would have a grateful audience.

If I can figure it out myself, maybe I'll put something together.  I'd 
love to contribute something back.

Jamie Adams
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