
I'm been testing dabo for a few days and I'm stuck and keep banging my head
with the same wall every time!!!

1) I was following "Building a Database Application using the Dabo Class
Designer" 1 and 2:
   Why is it that in the screencast the code of the bizobjects apear in the
same file of the form... when I do it
   and save, the program ask me to save to the corresponding bizobject file
and it expect it in a folder name biz?

2) In all the documents, screencast, archive mails, etc. always mention that
is a breeze doing one to many relations... But I can't
    find a simple example of it and in this screencasts due to the small
portion that is display doesn't show how it's done clearly!!!!

Please help me!!!..   I like this framework a lot and I don't want to
discard it because of this problems.

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