On Feb 4, 2011, at 12:54 PM, Ricardo Araoz wrote:

> Ok, it kind of works now.
> When looking "Down" everything's ok, but when looking "Up" the selected
> text (that would be the found string) is displaced, that is, the
> appropriate number of characters are selected but off a couple of
> positions from the proper word you are looking. As this is wx I guess I
> should report it to them.
> I've also noticed the user gets no feedback whether the text has been
> found or not, nothing in the status bar, no beep when not found. I guess
> I'll stick with my own dialog and if you come up with something I can
> call up from there I'll be grateful (actually my biggest problem right
> now is the 'ignore case' flag, as I don't want to use an upper cased
> copy of the doc for lookup, I guess I'll have to resort to re or something).

        The built-in dialog that comes with wx is pretty lame. We've talked 
about creating a better one, but until now, it's only been talk.

-- Ed Leafe

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