On 2/8/11 4:58 AM, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> I figured out what I was doing wrong in the .rst which caused the link
> issues.
> Uploaded a new version for review with following improvements over the
> last one:
> - Inheritance diagrams now work
> - suppress methods and functions starting with "_"
> - the introduction page has been clean up - still an early draft

Looking really nice.

> Still open from my point of view:
> - handling the ui.uiwx issue, i.e. represent or give a hint that
> ui.uiwx.dButton is called ui.dButton when one uses it.

IMO implementation details shouldn't sneak into the API docs. So we must find a 
for it to be represented as dabo.ui.dButton.

> Questions:
> - should each class list inherited methods, currently they don't and one
> has to walk up the inheritance diagram

I think they should show them, but that they should look different somehow. 
an option on the page "Show inherited methods?"

> - how do I find out what Events are available by control to reproduce
> the "Events" section in the current API doc

Update to r6411 and issue:

import dabo
print dabo.ui.dButton.getEventList()

The script that generates the current api doc is here:


It's the makeDaboApiDoc.py in that directory. I can't remember if it relies on 
files in that directory or if the other files are simply obsolete.

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