On Friday, April 15, 2011 12:13:22 pm Nick Raptis wrote:
> As this is my first time writing to the list, first let me say hello to
> all the developers and users.
> I'm quite new to Dabo and let me say it looks like a great tool and
> really easy and usable.
> I'm trying to make an application that strays from the Dabo main focus
> of database apps and using it just for it's powerful UI tier. Since I'm
> quite new to Dabo I'd like some help searching for some specific stuff
> in the documentation (and source code).
> My test case (to give some context) is this:
> I'd like my app to control some external hardware (namely an Arduino
> microcontroller) via a custom protocol on top of a serial connection.
> The ui elements will raise events for my protocol handler to send to the
> hardware and incoming information from the hardware will be raised as
> events to update the ui elements.
> So my first question is where in the documentation should I start
> looking about raising custom events and binding to them? What should my
> on(Event) methods be named like? Is there some sample code that uses
> these and what classes should I look first in the documentation?
> My second set of questions comes from my need to check periodically
> whether the hardware has sent any new information. Now, this is nowhere
> near a realtime application, so checking in grossly timed intervals is ok.
> Dabo from what little I've played with it feels like it has an
> asynchronous loop, but I really can't tell yet. Since the connection to
> the external hardware is non-blocking, it be great if I could just poll
> it somehow.
> But even if it isn't asynchronous, I'd be simple to do the job with a
> timed event that fires every once in a while.
> So, I'd appreciate what you can share about the main event loop
> specifics and/or timed events.
> Hope that post wasn't too long, or too incomprehensible..
> Thanks for your time and keep up the good work,
> Nick

I'm not sure this info will help.  You might want to contact 
"Alan Gauld" <alan.ga...@btinternet.com>
from the python tutorial list.  He tried to show list members a video of a 
python program interfacing to a gadget to control a machine using your brain 
(my understanding is it used an Arduino).  Most of us were unable to watch due 
to some sort country censorship. 

Like I said I'm not sure it will be of much help.

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