Użytkownik Jim Byrnes napisał:
> On 04-22-11 I let Synaptic apply an update for wxPython from
> to Since then a small app I wrote  that is a data entry
> frontend to MYSQL is behaving very strangely.
> The problem seems to center on my use of a dMaskedTextbox, other parts
> of the UI seem to be OK.  I have a series of dMaskedTextboxes that I
> step through by entering data and hitting the enter key.  when I enter
> data to the phone number box the database is queried. If there is a
> match in the names table all the data entered previously is written to
> the items table and the form is cleared for new input.  If there is no
> match two more TB's are shown once data is entered and a submit button
> pushed data is written to both the names and items tables and the form
> is cleared.
> That's how it worked for months. Since the update it's very erratic.
> Now not all of the TB's are cleared and it's not always the same ones
> not being cleared.  It looks like data is written to the items table but
> not the names table when it should be.  I just discovered this problem
> and haven't had a chance to try to analyze it in more depth.
> I am wondering is any other Ubuntu 10.04 users are seeing any problems
> after this update?


I recently switched my application to 2.8.12 and didn't noticed any 
so I can't help you much.
Although, I don't use dMaskedTextbox controls at all, but rather customized
wx.lib.masked.NumCtrl to edit numeric data.
Did you try to update Dabo to the latest available version?
Is your problem related with what control has focus on it when you use 
save button?

Jacek Kałucki
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