>> > Hi All,
>> >
>> > I am pretty new to Python but long time ago having developed in FoxPro, I
>> > was happy when stumbled upon Dabo.
>> > I'm just starting and already can see it's gonna be fun to learn Python
>> > through Dabo.
>> >
>> > To my problem: as I can see in this mailing list, some people mentioned 
>> > they
>> > can debug using Eclipse+PyDev.
>> > I tried it and it worked OK in the little starting main program genreated 
>> > by
>> > the Class designer (via Save Runnable App),
>> > but never stopped at a breakpoint in the event code - I started out with 
>> > the
>> > Hello_MsgBox tutorial from the Dabo Doc page
>> > and tried to set the breakpoint inside the onHit event method. Tried the
>> > same with the eval. version of PyCharm, but it behaved exactly same way.
>> >
>> > I guess there must be a trick how to do it - please could you describe it 
>> > to
>> > a newbie? This would be a great info for the Newbie FAQ page as well I
>> > believe.
>> Hi.
>> I'm assuming you had created project for your application.
>> Just right click on left grey margin of the editor window.
>> You will see popup menu with "Add breakpoint" at first position,
>> or even simpler, just double click on that margin.
>> Then green dot with a tail should appear.
>> Now, select your project startup script, right click somewhere in the code,
>> then select "Debug as>Python run" from popup menu and follow the instruction.
>> If you have properly configured environment, next time just choose a "Bug" 
>> icon
>> from main toolbar - Eclipse remembers last launched application.
>> I suggest that you add DABO_DEFAULT_UI = wx environment variable in PyDev 
>> preferences.
>> --
>> Regards
>> Jacek Ka?ucki
> Jacek,
> thanks for the quick answer. I should have been probably more clear -
> I have no problem with seting up breakpoints in Eclipse and run it via
> Debug-As--Python-run (similar in PyCharm).
> My problem is that the execution then stops only at breakpoints which
> are set up in the main program (created via the File/Save Runnable
> App), and never at those breakpoints set up in the onHit() event
> method (i.e. after I press the related button). It's the minimalistic
> app with just one button - after pressing it the onHit event method is
> executed correctly (so the app works as expected).
> When the breakpoint is set on any line of the onHit method, the
> execution is not stopped there after the button is pressed - it just
> continues there and the message box is displayed as if no breakpoint
> was there. Here are two tiny videos with everything:
> - creating the app in Dabo: http://screencast.com/t/WQGC7KOLiE7
> - how the breakpoints behave in Eclipse+Pydev: 
> http://screencast.com/t/HaH8aIVlL
> I'd like to know how to make also the second breakpoint work in Eclipse...
> Thanks,
> Lui
> Ok, I understand now.
> This is one of the reasons I don't use ClassDesigner.
> Its python code is stored as XML source and dynamically
> executed on runtime. This is why you can't set breakpoint directly there.
> Other possible solutions are:
> - try to track classFromText() function execution and set your breakpoints
>        dynamically too;
> - open e.g. C:/Python26/Lib/site-packages/dabo/ui/uiwx/dPemMixin.py in Eclipse
>        and set breakpoint in the proper superclass method, like 
> __onWxGotFocus()
> Be careful, because there is plenty timed code and application behaviour may
> vary depending it's running under debugger or in real environment.
Thanks Jacek for the insight and advices.
Now it makes sense. Being new to Python, I'll probably keep playing
with the ClassDesigner still for a while.
Maybe I'll even keep doing the UI via the ClassDesigner (it's cute after all,
and looks like it can save lots of time) and probably will only need
to debug the bizobj classes.
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