On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 10:03:44AM -0500, Ed Leafe wrote:
> > It doesn't
> > work when I put it in ui/GrdLog.py (the application is called log).  If
> > I put:-
> > 
> >    self.bindEvent(dabo.dEvents.KeyDown, self.handleKey)
> > 
> > then handleKey gets called for non-printing characters but not for
> > printing characters.  If I put:-
> > 
> >    self.bindEvent(dabo.dEvents.KeyChar, self.handleKey)
> > 
> > then handleKey *never* gets called for any entered character.
> > 
> > I suspect that I'm calling bindEvent() from the wrong place?
>       It figures that you would start with the most complex control! ;-)
Well of course!

>       Grids are composed of several controls internally, making coordinating 
> events difficult. If you then make the grid editable, then the temporary 
> control that appears to handle the editing also has to deal with the events 
> involved. When you edit in a grid, under the hood wxPython creates a textbox 
> that appears where the grid cell is, and which then sends the result of your 
> editing back to the grid. That's why grid editing is discouraged for all but 
> the most straightforward cases.
>       If you really need to go down this road, grid columns can have a 
> CustomEditorClass, which is a control class that you define that is shown 
> when that column is being edited. As you might imagine, this is somewhat 
> complex and is probably not the place for someone new to Dabo to start; it's 
> more of a power user feature.
OK, thanks for this (and all the other) help, I think I'm still
suffering a bit from "run before I walk" but I've already got a long way
towards what I want.

Chris Green
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