On Sunday, November 20, 2011 05:28:01 PM Sayth Renshaw wrote:
> Hi
> Looking to get a little clarification regarding dabo. I have been looking
> through the docs and the pycon talk/tutorial.
> A few cards on the table. I have been learning python over the last 2
> months and I have got the basics down but obviously an experienced user by
> far.
> As I am looking to create a data centric application I have been reviewing
> my options long story short in the python world there seems to be camelot
> and dabo and a non python option of Gambas. It's my impression that camelot
> would not scale up as well as dabo? That's just an unfounded assumption, am
> i wrong?
> Three is a lot of good information on the wiki
> http://wiki.dabodev.com/FrontPage but I just need to get a few things
> straight in my head.
> External python libraries such as numpy and matplotlib are they usable in a
> dabo project? The main focus of my application would be forecasting data
> and so presenting reports with a graphical output would be useful, does
> dabo directly support this?
> Same focus if to create my report requires
> calculating arrays obviously numpy would be good for this using narray,
> again supported/unsupported in dabo?
> Kind regards
> Sayth

Major differences are:

1.  Has a commerical license.
2. Uses QT
3. Uses SQLAlchemy
4.  Based on a Django concept.


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