Użytkownik ghircoias camil napisał:
> I am a vfp developer and I know the masters of dabo are former vfp 
> developers. I don't  know  very much about dabo.
> I want to know if it is posible to query a vfp dabo cursor using select sql 
> commands like in vfp we do with cursors obtained from server databases?
> I mean we query a postgresql database, obtain a cursor (in vfp) and in dabo a 
> dabo cursor) and want to query that particulary dabo cursor (not the server 
> database) using sql commands to obtain another dabo cursor and so on.


Actually Dabo cursors are type of dDataSet and are proxy of SQLite cursors,
so answer is yes, it's possible with dDataSet.execute() command.

> If it is possible 3 more questions:
> - can you provide an example of that ? Or a link to an example because I 
> did'nt fount one.


> - is there any memory limit of that ?

Yes. Size is limited to the memory available for your OS.

> - it is posible do run against the dataset other sql commands like insert or 
> delete (for example insert into dataset 1 (select * from dataset2) ?)

See link above.
You can execute any query with "dataset" as source.
Remember, there are no joins possible between different dDataSet objects in 
however you can join many dDataSet objects with '+' operator.
Jacek Kałucki
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