I'm displaying images in a grid control.  The images are stored as files
and there is a field that contains the fully qualified path to the image
file (jpg).
I set the custom renderer for the column to the ImageRenderer.  It works
great and really fast.
The only issue I have is the images are really large so it displays only a
portion of the image.  Is there a way to set the ImageRenderer to fit the
image instead of clipping it?

I'm working in an Appwizard generated application and I'm modifying the
grid used to browse the query results.  Here's the code I'm using to
display the image.  This is the
5th column in the grid.

        self.addColumn(dabo.ui.dColumn(self, DataField="ImageFullPath",
                Sortable=True, Searchable=True, Editable=False))

                colImage = self.Columns[4]
                colImage.CustomRendererClass =

I tried creating a child of the ImageRenderer class code is below.  When I
used it there was no difference.

class CustImageRenderer(dabo.ui.gridRenderers.ImageRenderer):
        def GetBestSize(self, grid, attr, dc, row, col):
                return wx.Size(10, 10)

Matt Jackson

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