
the ClassDesigner crashes again, this time no stack trace but a segmentation fault. It happens when I try to change something in the object inspector, no matter what or so it seems to me at the moment.

Clicking into a checkbox in the object inspector changes it to an edit field with "False" or "True". This doesn't look right anyway. The crash happens when I leave this field - but it happens also when I change other, non boolean properties.

All this on Xubuntu 12.10:

Platform: GTK
Python Version: 2.7.3 on linux2
Dabo Version: 0.9.9
UI Version: on wxGTK (gtk2)

Then I wanted to try on Debian stable and got a new error: Started the class designer (this time not from its own directory but from the ui directory of the application), tried to open an existing .cdxml file and got:

sib@gespenst-debian:~/bin/urlaub/ui$ ~/src/dabo-trunk/ide/ClassDesigner.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/sib/src/dabo-trunk/ide/ClassDesigner.py", line 4474, in <module>
    clsDes = ClassDesigner(f)
File "/home/sib/src/dabo-trunk/ide/ClassDesigner.py", line 262, in __init__
    frm = self.onNewDesign(None)
File "/home/sib/src/dabo-trunk/ide/ClassDesigner.py", line 2058, in onNewDesign
    return self.openClass(dlg.fileToOpen)
File "/home/sib/src/dabo-trunk/ide/ClassDesigner.py", line 758, in openClass
    obj = self.recreateChildren(frm.mainPanel, kids, None, False)
File "/home/sib/src/dabo-trunk/ide/ClassDesigner.py", line 1233, in recreateChildren
File "/home/sib/src/dabo-trunk/ide/ClassDesigner.py", line 784, in extractSuperClassInfo raise IOError(_("The file '%s' does not appear to be a valid class file.") % pth) IOError: The file '/home/sib/bin/dabosib/testcd_2/ui/TestPanel_3.cdxml' does not appear to be a valid class file.

The file mentioned in the traceback hasn't anything to do with the file I wanted to open and it's in another directory.

Platform: GTK
Python Version: 2.6.6 on linux2
Dabo Version: 0.9.9
UI Version: on wxGTK (gtk2)

Of course I could hand code all forms but it would be much more work, because I want to change a working application with lots of panels made with the class designer.

Thank you for help,
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