Am 22.06.2013 16:20, schrieb Ed Leafe:
Version info? I just ran it and it is working as expected. The one
thing I did notice is that if I delete the control, occasionally the
layout panel that replaces it doesn't get placed in the right
position, leaving a 'hole' in the design. But any action that causes
the form to layout(), such as resizing, immediately fixes that.

Platform: Mac Python Version: 2.7.2 on darwin Dabo Version: 0.9.12 UI
Version: on wxMac

Sorry, forgot:

Platform: GTK
Python Version: 2.7.3 on linux2
Dabo Version: 0.9.12
UI Version: on wxGTK (gtk2)

Same thing in another Linux VM using Python 2.7.4, everything else the same.

And just now I wanted to try if resizing the form could help. So I move the control and there is the layout panel in its old place. Another thing happened, though: the old grid column had "Sizer_ColExpand" set to true, the new one to false. And now, after the move, Sizer_ColExpand is set in both columns and I can't remove it in the column where I don't want it. Not even after moving back the control.

Anyway, this is an example of another nuisance with the ClassDesigner: very often I can't set a property in the Object Info form. Either the entry isn't accepted at all (or only part of it appears), or it changes back to its former state as soon as the cursor leaves the entry field. This isn't very easy to reproduce at will, but it usually happens after changing a few properties. Sometimes saving the form has helped, but most of the time I've got to close the class Designer and start again.

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