Hi all,

Python 2.6.6
wxPython 2.8.12
Dabo 0.9.9
On either windows 7 or windows XP

I'm having a very strange issue with what I'm calling 'flashing'. I have a several tabs and on one of the tabs there is a dEditBox along with an dButton:

bs = dabo.ui.dBorderSizer(self, "h", Caption=" Enrollment Comments ", FontBold = True) bs.append(dabo.ui.dEditBox(self, Height = 95, Width = 890, RegID = 'enrollcommID', DataSource = self.Form.esenroll, DataField = 'enroll_note'), 0,'x')
bs.append(dabo.ui.dButton(self, RegID = 'enrollEditID', Width = 50, Caption = 'Edit', FontBold = True, OnHit = self.changeReadOnly))

On some computers with some records a flashing of the editbox will occur. The flashing prevents the user from interacting with the form. That is the general symptom.

I have two computers running the same OS side by side. They will open the same record and only one will have the flashing. I can have two computers one running XP and the other 7 and sometimes it's the 7 with the flashing and sometimes it's the XP.

To make things even stranger - if the network tech recreates the profile the flashing will disappear. But sometime later (weeks or months) the flashing can return. Yet there are several computers that had the profile recreated and the flashing has not returned.

All the code is centrally located - that is Dabo, and the program source code is run from a windows server. Therefore, everyone is running the same code, same version of Dabo, same version of python and wxpython. Python, wxPython, PIL, ReportLab are all installed on the local computer.

It also should be noted that I have several editboxes on different tabs on the form and they do not flash.

I'm hoping someone has a clue what is happening here because I'm at a complete lost.

Thanks in advance,


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