On Nov 27, 2013, at 2:14 PM, Martin Kmínek <m.kmi...@centrum.cz> wrote:

> I ran "python setup.py install" this created some kind of archive 
> Dabo-0.9.13-py2.7.egg in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
> I haven't found any directory with Dabo :-(
> Should I copy anything somewhere manualy?
> Even >>>import dabo in python console gives the same output ...
> Thank you for your reply

I would download the source, and then manually move the locale folder to the 
site-packages dabo folder. You can download the source using:

curl -L -O https://github.com/dabodev/dabo/archive/master.zip

Unzip that file, and it should create a folder containing, among other files, a 
folder named 'dabo', and inside that will be a folder named 'locale'. Move that 
folder to the 'dabo' folder in your site-packages directory, and you should be 
good to go.

-- Ed Leafe

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