On 05/02/2014 09:57 PM, Subramanian Govindarajan wrote:
I have installed Python 2.7, wxPython, Dabo and PsycoPG2 . All
installations went smooth and I am able to import Dabo.

I downloaded Pycon_2010_tutorial and *could not connect to the database
mentioned in tutorial*. However, I decided I will read/learn the material
along with a self created database in PostgreSql.

I want the sample database used in the tutorial with a help as to how I can
incorporate it my postgresql installed in my computer.

Probably a code in a hit event of a new button added to cnxEditor.py to
create a database and tables and populate them with samples data can help.
The sample py file can be forwarded as email attachment to me..

CREATE TABLE mySample     field1 C(30),  Field2 C(15) .... INDEX ON ...

I am new to Postgresql, python and dabo. I am used to commercial
application developments using VFP. Can I get some help for this. I
appreciate the time and thank you for it.

Subramanian G

Normally, when using Postgres most also install pgAdmin3 (a database tool). So the easy way and also the right (but not the only) way is to learn and use pgAdmin to create your tables and indexes. pgAdmin is a tool that does many things including running sql queries, retrieve data, etc... You did not say the platform you are using but I'll bet it's windows. If you installed Postgres using the EnterpriseDB windows installer then you also installed pgAdmin. If you are using Linux then just install pgAdmin.

Then you should be able to follow the tutorial (just using Postgres instead of MySql) after you create the tables with pgAdmin.

If you have other questions just ask.  Welcome to Dabo.


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