On 07/09/2014 10:10 AM, John Fabiani wrote:
On 07/09/2014 09:47 AM, Werner wrote:

On 7/9/2014 18:36, John Fabiani wrote:
Last year's thread in this list about the problem:

can't open this, getting a time out.


Is it possible to connect to a firebird database that you control - remotely? I have some time today and would like to try and fix this. BTW is the fdb module windows only?
No it is a pure Python module, so it runs on all platforms.

The doc for fdb is here:

The doc for kinterbasdb is here:

Just start to use fdb but with SQLAlchemy, early days as I just started this yesterday. One issue I just found today is that I need to give it the connection charset to get correct string translation which on kinterbasdb I did with 'type_conv=300'

That's interesting - I would have guessed the unicode would be supported and the default. And isn't firebird multibyte - I was sure it was?


Actually the more I think about this I wonder if time to revisit the pyODBC solution. At the moment I can't recall the issues but I do know that it had issues. Anybody remember why pyODBC was not completed?


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