The Dabo "stable" version only supports wxPython 2.8.

That is the real answer - only wxPython 2.8.x is supported. I believe the stable version is the working version on github. I could be wrong as I haven't played with the working version for sometime.

But we all know that wxPython 2.8 is very much outdated. In fact wxPython has been out for almost 17 months. So why hasn't Dabo moved forward?

The answer is because of wxPython Phoenix. When Phoenix was announced it was assumed that Dabo would move to Phoenix and python 3.x when Phoenix was stable - never happened. I think it's been over two years since there has been any real work done on Phoenix.

Because of the time delay Neil Flowers and I decided we would try to get wxPython 3.x running with Dabo. And the work is in a github branch of Dabo called dabo2

It works with wxPython 3.x - that said - it is NOT a stable version! If you believe you have need of wxPython 3.x use the dabo2 branch.

My code contains a few changes that I needed and I doubt will be helpful for the general public and it is doubtful that those changes are cross platform. And I do NOT feel comfortable putting my code on github for the world to access.


On 05/03/2016 12:05 PM, Angelo Moscati wrote:
Another question.
You said "may have many missing features that the stable version may have". Can you tell me in which branch is developed the stable version? I see in GitHub a master branch as well as working branch which it has the latest commit from you.


On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 9:58 PM, Angelo Moscati < <>> wrote:


    On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 4:36 PM, john <
    <>> wrote:

        Please realize this is my version of Dabo to support the use
        of wxPython 3.x.  It works but is not complete and may have
        many missing features that the stable version may have.

        I have been using it for my work and it has worked well on
        windows and Linux.  That said, Sibylle reported a major bug on
        the latest Ubuntu.

        Also the folder may contain some unneeded files and plain junk.


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