On 3/1/19 5:40 AM, Ed Leafe wrote:
On Mar 1, 2019, at 7:24 AM, Carlos Miguel FARIAS <carlosmiguelfar...@gmail.com> 
Any chance to migrate Dabo to python 3 and wxpython 4+?
How could you collaborate in this task?
Sure: there is the dabo3 branch of the code here: 
https://github.com/dabodev/dabo/tree/dabo3. In summary: the Python3 stuff is 
done; the integration with wxPython 4.x is not working.

I don’t have a lot of free time, so I can’t make any guarantees as to how long 
it will take to get it working. John Fabiani has also been helping to debug the 
problems with the wxPython 4.x interactions. But if you download that branch 
and run it under Python3, I’d be interested in seeing if you could make some 
progress on the wxPython problems.

-- Ed Leafe

I also would add that I believe the current issue that is causing the seg faults has nothing to do with Dabo's menu system, or status bar.  I believe I was able to trace it to the way the frame is being created.   Change the self.ShowMenuBar from true to false dFormMixin.py -> _afterInit()
#jfcs added below to prevent the menu from running
        self.ShowMenuBar = False
There is something similar for the status bar.

Ed also placed a check for the extra parameters passed to classes that also muddies the water (reporting printing statement).  I removed the print statements (I think they are in dPemMixin.py).  Ed suggested that they are just warnings.

What platform are you going to be doing the dev work?


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