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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Menachot 073a: Dividing the Korbanos equally

We learn that all the Korbanot had to be divided by the entire Beit Av of
Cohanim of that day.  That the Cohanim could not tell each other you take
the Meat , while I take the Bird, while he takes the Bread, etc...  Even to
the point where one Cohen could not take this bread, while the other Cohen
takes the Bread of another Korban, even if it's the exact same Bread.

Rather every Korban had to be divided among all the Cohanim. What this
means, there had to been a person who would cut up every Korban into little
pieces so that everyone gets a piece ( a small piece I might add ), acc. to
this , it will turn out that the Cohanim ate everything in small bite size
pieces, finger food. ( Now I personally like bite size pieces - It reminds
me of Chinese ) I have a hard time to believe this to be true.  Can you
Imagine that a Cohen would not be able to get a good size Steak in the Beis
Hamekdash .

I would like to suggest that there was a cafeteria in the Beis Hamekdash.
Where all the Korbanot of the Day went to, and a Chef ( a Cohen , of course
) prepared all the food for everyone.  All the food belonged to everyone
equally, and all the Cohanim of that shift ate there that day, so that
nothing had to be cut into small pieces.  And this is considered as if it
belonged to everyone.  That way a Cohen could have a decent size steak if
he wanted ( I am also sure they had a stand for Chinese as well, except no
vegetables or rice - the sauce I am sure they could bring from home, as per
Zevachim 90 B - Mishna ) Is any of this true ?? or is there any reference
to this ?? 

Dr. Katz
The Kollel replies:

The Gemara implies that each and every Minchah that was brought was divided
among the entire 50 or 100 Kohanim that served that day, by the Rosh Beis
Av (or his secretary). Each Kohen in the Mikdash was then given his portion
at the end of the day. Tosfos discusses whether the portions were actually
measured or estimated.

This method of dividing is evident from the Rambam as well (Ma'aseh
ha'Korbanos 10:15). The Rambam suggests that the Torah found it necessary
to emphasize once again by Minchas Soles that the Minchah is to be split
among each and every Kohen, since one would think that a handful of Soles
is useless (unlike a Kezayis of baked bread), and there is no point in
dividing a single Minchas Soles among all the Kohanim. The Torah tells us
that nevertheless, each Kohen is given his handful of Soles.

I am not sure whether this applies to hides of Olos as well. It would seem
wasteful to cut up a whole hide, and would make it nearly worthless. From
the Rambam (ibid. 10:14, 16) it might be inferred that the hides were in
fact not divided in this manner.

Be well,
Mordecai Kornfeld

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