On Fri, Sep 09, 2011 at 04:42:45AM -0500, Craig A. Berry wrote:

>         else if (SvGETMAGIC(sv), isGV_with_GP(sv)) {
> .................^
> %CC-E-BADEXPR, Invalid expression.
> at line number 3469 in file MDA0:[SMOKE.blead]pp_sys.c;1

I believe that I've fixed this in commit a0c4bfab72af0577.

I hope that the rest of the errors are simply side effects of the C
compiler failing to recover:

>         else if (SvGETMAGIC(sv), isGV_with_GP(sv)) {
> ...............................^
> %CC-E-BADSTMT, Invalid statement.
> at line number 3469 in file MDA0:[SMOKE.blead]pp_sys.c;1
>       else if (SvROK(sv) && isGV_with_GP(SvRV(sv))) {
> ........^
> %CC-E-BADSTMT, Invalid statement.
> at line number 3472 in file MDA0:[SMOKE.blead]pp_sys.c;1
>         else {
> ........^
> %CC-E-BADSTMT, Invalid statement.
> at line number 3475 in file MDA0:[SMOKE.blead]pp_sys.c;1

Nicholas Clark

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