On Sat, Feb 04, 2012 at 06:54:00PM -0500, George Greer wrote:

> v5.15.7-245-g7620cb1  Configuration (common) -A -Dcc=clang append:ccflags=" 
> -fcatch-undefined-behavior "
> ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
> O O O O     
> F O O O     -Duseithreads
> | +--------- -DDEBUGGING
> +----------- no debugging

> Failures: (common-args) -A -Dcc=clang append:ccflags=" 
> -fcatch-undefined-behavior "
> [default] -Duseithreads
> ../t/porting/podcheck.t.....................................FAILED
>     Non-zero exit status: 2
>     Bad plan.  You planned 1517 tests but ran 0.


Can't open 'lib/feature.pm-new': No such file or directory
# Looks like you planned 1517 tests but ran 0.
porting/podcheck.t ................................................ 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)

but that test passed before, and passed again afterwards, so where did that
file come from, and where did it go to?

Nicholas Clark

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