On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 07:22:03AM -0600, David Mertens wrote:
> The question in my mind is: why is the test for file names on Win32 case
> sensitive? Last I checked, Windows doesn't differentiate between "d:" and
> "D:"

Win32 also doesn't differentiate between / and \ in pathnames, but if the
cache contained \ in pathnames on Win32, it would be "wrong", because
the Pod::Html code attempts to store cache names in a normalised fashion
with / only.

So the test wasn't wrong, per-se, as it was testing that the cache contained
the right filenames, and the filenames (expected and actual) would be
generated by the same reporting code, so it "should" be getting the case
as returned by file system calls.

And (I repeat) this test passed on a different Win32 machine, so there's
something cooky about how Cwd::cwd() can report "d:" or "D:" on Win32
depending on, well, not sure.

It would also be wrong to hard-code "Win32" into the test and do a case
insensitive check on it, as VMS is also (generally) case insensitive (and
File::Spec knows this).

Nicholas Clark

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