On 03/21/2018 07:09 AM, Yaroslav Kuzmin wrote:
Smoke log at available 

Automated smoke report for branch blead 5.27.10 patch 
8d8484540d380c09fb40616135be00825189f578 v5.27.8-546-g8d8484540d
RS12: 2964 (2964/)
     on        os/390 - 25.00
     using     c99 version
     smoketime 2 hours 53 minutes (average 1 hour 26 minutes)

Summary: FAIL(XM)

The many failures in this report indicates that something fundamental got broken. So to start finding it, I think we need to go back to the basics.

Try this one-liner, and send me the results:

./perl -le 'my $a = "\x{587}"; my $b = uc($a); use bytes; print map { sprintf " %x", ord } split "", $a; print map { sprintf " %x", ord } split "", $b'

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