Automated smoke report for branch blead 5.39.11 patch 04d2040ce4136af8389d95e16c75aedcbfa4f9ec v5.39.10-9-g04d2040ce4 SPARC-T4 (rev 0.0) @ 2847.862 MHz (2847 MHz) (sparc64/12 cpu) on openbsd - 7.5 using cc version 4.2.1 20070719 smoketime 1 day 18 hours (average 5 hours 15 minutes)
Summary: FAIL(X) O = OK F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness ? = still running or test results not (yet) available Build failures during: - = unknown or N/A c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep v5.39.10-9-g04d2040ce4 Configuration (common) none ----------- --------------------------------------------------------- O O O O O O O O O O O O -Duseithreads O O X O O O -Acppflags=-DBIG_TIME -DNO_LOCALE_NUMERIC -DNO_LOCALE_COLLATE O O O O O O -Acppflags=-DBIG_TIME -DNO_LOCALE_NUMERIC -DNO_LOCALE_COLLATE -Duseithreads | | | | | +- LC_ALL = UTF-8 -DDEBUGGING | | | | +--- PERLIO = perlio -DDEBUGGING | | | +----- PERLIO = stdio -DDEBUGGING | | +------- LC_ALL = UTF-8 | +--------- PERLIO = perlio +----------- PERLIO = stdio Tests skipped on user request: # One test name on a line Failures: (common-args) none [UTF-8] -Acppflags=-DBIG_TIME -DNO_LOCALE_NUMERIC -DNO_LOCALE_COLLATE Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness): ../lib/warnings.t....................... ..................................................... FAILED at test 846 MANIFEST did not declare '.mailmap' Compiler messages(gcc): Non-Fatal messages(gcc): -- Report by Test::Smoke v1.78 running on perl 5.36.3 (Reporter v0.054 / Smoker v0.046)