Automated smoke report for 5.11.0 patch 
20081221213907829017810516218973654248618290 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz(~2660 MHz) 
(x86/2 cpu)
    on        MSWin32 - WinXP/.Net SP3
    using     gcc version 3.4.2
    smoketime 5 hours 43 minutes (average 17 minutes 11 seconds)

Summary: PASS

O = OK  F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom
X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness
? = still running or test results not (yet) available
Build failures during:       - = unknown or N/A
c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep

20081221213907829017810516218973654248618290  Configuration (common) 
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
O O         
O O         -Dusemymalloc
O O         -Duselargefiles
O O         -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc
O O         -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys
O O         -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys -Dusemymalloc
O O         -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys -Duselargefiles
O O         -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc
O O         -Duseithreads
O O         -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles
| +--------- -DDEBUGGING
+----------- no debugging

Locally applied patches:

Compiler messages(gcc):
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlMem2Host(IPerlMem*)':
perlhost.h:247: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlMem' of NULL object
perlhost.h:247: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlMemShared2Host(IPerlMem*)':
perlhost.h:252: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlMemShared' of NULL object
perlhost.h:252: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlMemParse2Host(IPerlMem*)':
perlhost.h:257: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlMemParse' of NULL object
perlhost.h:257: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlEnv2Host(IPerlEnv*)':
perlhost.h:262: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlEnv' of NULL object
perlhost.h:262: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlStdIO2Host(IPerlStdIO*)':
perlhost.h:267: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlStdIO' of NULL object
perlhost.h:267: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlLIO2Host(IPerlLIO*)':
perlhost.h:272: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlLIO' of NULL object
perlhost.h:272: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlDir2Host(IPerlDir*)':
perlhost.h:277: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlDir' of NULL object
perlhost.h:277: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlSock2Host(IPerlSock*)':
perlhost.h:282: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlSock' of NULL object
perlhost.h:282: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlProc2Host(IPerlProc*)':
perlhost.h:287: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlProc' of NULL object
perlhost.h:287: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)

Report by Test::Smoke v1.36 build 1210 running on perl 5.11.0
(Reporter v0.033 / Smoker v0.041)

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