On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 11:25:53PM +0100, Abe Timmerman wrote:
> It'll need the PERL_PATCHNUM stuff in config.SH aswell.

Um, what stuff is that?

$ ls config.SH
ls: cannot access config.SH: No such file or directory

$ grep PERL_PATCHNUM `ls| grep -v Changes`
cflags:                ccflags="-DPERL_PATCHNUM=`awk 'BEGIN{ORS=""} /describe:/ 
{print $2}' .patchnum` $ccflags"
make_patchnum.pl:#define PERL_PATCHNUM "$describe"
perl.c:#ifdef PERL_PATCHNUM
perl.c:     SV* num= newSVpvn(PERL_PATCHNUM,sizeof(PERL_PATCHNUM)-1);
stock_git_version.h:#define PERL_PATCHNUM "UNKNOWN"

Art is anything that has a label (especially if the label is "untitled 1")

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