Automated smoke report for 5.13.1 patch 
1408fb84de0c28007d91730cde177d893e427181 v5.13.1-114-g1408fb8 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz(~2660 MHz) 
(x86/2 cpu)
    on        MSWin32 - WinXP/.Net SP3
    using     gcc version 3.4.5
    smoketime 7 hours 11 minutes (average 43 minutes 9 seconds)

Summary: FAIL(F)

O = OK  F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom
X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness
? = still running or test results not (yet) available
Build failures during:       - = unknown or N/A
c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep

v5.13.1-114-g1408fb8  Configuration (common) 
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F         -Duselargefiles
F F         -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc
F F         -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys
F F         -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys -Dusemymalloc
F F         -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads
| +--------- -DDEBUGGING
+----------- no debugging

Locally applied patches:

Failures: (common-args) -DINST_TOP=$(INST_DRV)\Smoke\doesntexist
[default] -Duselargefiles
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles
[default] -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc
[default] -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys
[default] -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys -Dusemymalloc
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys -Dusemymalloc
[default] -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads

Passed Todo tests: (common-args) -DINST_TOP=$(INST_DRV)\Smoke\doesntexist
[default] -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys
[default] -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys -Dusemymalloc
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads -Uuseimpsys -Dusemymalloc
[default] -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Duseithreads

Compiler messages(gcc):
Bzip2.xs: In function `GetErrorString':
Bzip2.xs:136: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.xs: In function `deRef':
Bzip2.xs:266: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.xs: In function `deRef_l':
Bzip2.xs:300: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_constant':
Bzip2.c:410: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_bzlibversion':
Bzip2.c:522: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_new':
Bzip2.c:543: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_new':
Bzip2.c:642: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_DispStream':
Bzip2.c:748: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_bzdeflate':
Bzip2.c:786: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_DESTROY':
Bzip2.c:878: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_bzclose':
Bzip2.c:908: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_bzflush':
Bzip2.c:994: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_total_in_lo32':
Bzip2.c:1082: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_total_out_lo32':
Bzip2.c:1114: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_compressedBytes':
Bzip2.c:1146: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bzip2_uncompressedBytes':
Bzip2.c:1178: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_DispStream':
Bzip2.c:1210: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_bzinflate':
Bzip2.c:1248: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_inflateCount':
Bzip2.c:1402: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_DESTROY':
Bzip2.c:1434: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_status':
Bzip2.c:1464: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_total_in_lo32':
Bzip2.c:1496: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_total_out_lo32':
Bzip2.c:1528: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_compressedBytes':
Bzip2.c:1560: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `XS_Compress__Raw__Bunzip2_uncompressedBytes':
Bzip2.c:1592: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
Bzip2.c: In function `boot_Compress__Raw__Bzip2':
Bzip2.c:1626: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'
APItest.c: In function `XS_XS__APItest__PtrTable_clear':
APItest.c:1171: warning: `Perl_ptr_table_clear' is deprecated (declared at 
C:\DOCUME~1\shay\LOCALS~1\Temp\compilet.exp:fake:(.edata+0x3c): undefined 
reference to `boot_compilet'
C:\DOCUME~1\shay\LOCALS~1\Temp\compilet.exp:fake:(.edata+0x40): undefined 
reference to `boot_compilet'
t\compilet.exp:fake:(.edata+0x3c): undefined reference to `boot_compilet'
t\compilet.exp:fake:(.edata+0x40): undefined reference to `boot_compilet'
XSMore.c:306:9: warning: unknown escape sequence '\S'
XSMore.c:306:9: warning: unknown escape sequence '\G'
XSMore.c:306:9: warning: unknown escape sequence '\p'
Bzip2.xs:136: warning: unused variable `my_perl'
Bzip2.xs:266: warning: unused variable `my_perl'
Bzip2.xs:300: warning: unused variable `my_perl'
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlMem2Host(IPerlMem*)':
perlhost.h:248: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlMem' of NULL object
perlhost.h:248: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlMemShared2Host(IPerlMem*)':
perlhost.h:253: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlMemShared' of NULL object
perlhost.h:253: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlMemParse2Host(IPerlMem*)':
perlhost.h:258: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlMemParse' of NULL object
perlhost.h:258: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlEnv2Host(IPerlEnv*)':
perlhost.h:263: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlEnv' of NULL object
perlhost.h:263: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlStdIO2Host(IPerlStdIO*)':
perlhost.h:268: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlStdIO' of NULL object
perlhost.h:268: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlLIO2Host(IPerlLIO*)':
perlhost.h:273: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlLIO' of NULL object
perlhost.h:273: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlDir2Host(IPerlDir*)':
perlhost.h:278: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlDir' of NULL object
perlhost.h:278: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlSock2Host(IPerlSock*)':
perlhost.h:283: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlSock' of NULL object
perlhost.h:283: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)
perlhost.h: In function `CPerlHost* IPerlProc2Host(IPerlProc*)':
perlhost.h:288: warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
`CPerlHost::m_hostperlProc' of NULL object
perlhost.h:288: warning: (perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)

Report by Test::Smoke v1.42 build 1267 running on perl 5.11.0
(Reporter v0.035 / Smoker v0.045)

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