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Op een druilerige winterdag (Thursday 04 March 2004 16:06), schreef Campo 

> Here is one unexpected glitch: while hunting for that ghost bug, last
> week, I figured it might have something to do with the environment.
> Noticing a line
>   'defaultenv' => '0',
> in the 58x_config file, I thought, "hey, let's try toggling that
> variable".  Only to find myself wondering why on earth I started to
> see those weird narrow smoke result matrices...
> Browsing through the logs, I notice one ominous remark:
>  Running smoke tests without $ENV{PERLIO}
> So if I want to run the tests in a clean environment, then, as a side
> effect, T::S will run the tests only under stdio?

Nope, the mktest.out file is still wrong! Because $ENV{PERLIO} is explicitly 
removed before testing, perl will run the tests with the default 
PerlIO-layer(s) ('perlio' on most systems and 'perlio :crlf' on Windows).

The whole thing has always been a dirty hack (and I have happily hacked around 
it again in the new Reporter.pm). The important thing is that the reports do 
not suggest anything but standard environment. (There is the problem of 
- -Uuseperlio in maint, where this does mean stdio)

I believe we now have a way to get to the PerlIO-layerstack from perl, but I 
haven't looked into that.

good luck,

- -- 
Amsterdam Perl Mongers http://amsterdam.pm.org
#! /usr/bin/perl 
tie *STDIN, JAPH => qw(Just another Perl hacker);print while <STDIN>;
sub JAPH::TIEHANDLE {$~=shift;bless \($^=join$/,@_),$~}
sub JAPH::READLINE  {$/=$^=~s/^(.+)\n?//?$1:undef;$\=$^eq""?"\n":" ";$/}
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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