Paul Johnson wrote:

On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 02:38:14AM +0200, Abe Timmerman wrote:

Like the man-page suggests:

        $ PERL_HARNESS_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover make test
        $ cover

That will generate nice HTLM reports (if you have Template Toolkit installed)

TT is required for some of the reports, but not for the standard html
report produced by default.

Hey guys thanks that worked, ya I am almost there in having it completely automatic build, the process would be

--> downloading from the module's repository --> perl Makefile.PL --> make --> make test --> code coverage --> posting test results and code coverage results executed on different platforms

I believe I can do the make test and code coverage in one part as code coverage actually covers code against the tests which are run.

And to bring us full circle, I'm very interested in being able to
automatically build *loads* of modules in order to automate coverage
testing for cpancover.

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