On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 08:17:28AM -0700, Barry Leiba wrote:

>    DANE TLSA records validated by
>    DNSSEC can be used to augment or replace the use of trusted public

Thanks, done.

>    [RFC6698] defines three TLSA record fields, the first with 4 possible
>    values, the second with 2, and the third with 3.

Thanks, done.

>    When a server supports SNI but is not configured with a certificate
>    chain that exactly matches the client's SNI extension, the server
>    SHOULD respond with another certificate chain (a default or closest
>    match).  This is because clients might support more than one server
>    name, but can only put a single name in the SNI extension.

Thanks, done.

> -- Section 4 --
>    Protocol designers need to carefully consider which set of DANE
>    certificate usages to support.
> I'm not sure why this (and the next sentence) is referring to "protocol
> designers".  Is this not aimed at implementation/deployment choices?  If
> that's not correct, who are the targets for this advice?

This should likely say "application protocol designers".  The point
being that the use of DANE TLSA RRs in a particular application
(as with e.g. SMTP) can be defined (more specifically than in
RFC6698 and this draft) by an application-specific standard.

> I also find this section to be rather hard to follow -- I can't clearly
> figure out what the advice really is.  Can you do a little reorganization
> here, separating the advice out from the explanation of why?  I don't
> care whether you put the explanation first or the advice first, but it
> would help to have one paragraph that says, clearly and without fuss,
> what the recommendation is.  This applies to the subsections as well.

Will try to clarify, this will take more time.  Should the two
smaller changes above be pushed as -15, while section 4 is polished?


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