Posted by: "C Meservey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What wonderful news. 
Corinne M

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 16:21:47   DDollarDZN wrote:
>Hey all!
>Yesterday Hubby & I went to get the results from the MRI I had done last Fri. 
>The Dr. walks in and says "Well, I have some good news for you..." I said, 
>"Great! - The power of prayer works!" Then he says, "Well actually I have 
>some great news...your tumor is gone..."
>I stood there with my mouth open while Hubby asked all the questions. The Dr. 
>said he had 3 other Dr. look at the scans and no one could explain it. The 
>only thing they could come up with was that maybe I had a viral infection in 
>my brain, but he said of the 900 cases he's worked on that that really didn't 
>explain it either. (Yes, we did ask if the scans were right - Did we need to 
>take them again?, etc. LOL!) And I have been looking at them where they had 
>been marked both times and it's really strange! (Great, but strange!)
>He said I still have some abnormalities (yeah - who doesn't! LOL) and that if 
>I were to come in today complaining of headaches and he saw these same MRI 
>scans he would say they were normal. He did say that I need to come back in 3 
>months and have another MRI done, and if there is nothing there, I can go off 
>the meds, but if there is something there then, then he'll do the surgery at 
>that time. (But I don't think that will be necessary!)
>I hope I haven't left anything out because I am still walking around 
>weak-kneed (sp?) and in a daze, but I wanted to thank each and everyone for 
>the thoughts and prayers and the wonderful words of encouragement that you 
>have offered in the last week or so. I think the combination of prayers from 
>literally hundreds/thousands of people around the world has helped this 
>miracle occur.
>Thank you!
>De & Don in NC, along with Daisy
>PS Now we need to work on the prayers to help me get preg., but that's 
>another story! : )

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