Om alt går efter planen kan vi begynde at oversætte 4.0 fra mandag i næste uge.

Jeg er lidt i tvivl om hvor mange oversættere vi efterhånden er tilbage. Vil I venligst melde tilbage til listen, hvis I påtænker at bidrage. Husk, det er ikke forpligtende, men mere for at vi alle kan have et overblik over, hvem vi kan regne med.


-------- Oprindelig meddelelse --------
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] [ANNOUNCE] Start of LibreOffice 4.0 translation
Date:   Thu, 15 Nov 2012 16:21:24 +0100
From:   Andras Timar <>
To:     LibreOffice-l10n <>


If all goes well, I'll upload LibreOffice 4.0 po files to Pootle this
weekend. I will migrate your LibreOffice 3.6 translations that I find
in Pootle. I'll take down Pootle during the update. LibreOffice 3.6
translations will be moved to new libo36x_ui and libo36x_help projects
(so metadata, such as suggestions cannot be preserved). libo_ui and
libo_help projects will have LibreOffice 4.0 files. It is the same
that I did for 3.5 -> 3.6.

LibreOffice 4.0 is to be released in February, 2013, and it is still a
moving target from the localization point of view.

Best regards,

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