On 3/22/06, Zachary P. Landau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently we were discussing having an archive of pending patches.  I finally
> managed to get patchwork[1] mostly setup.  You can try it out here[2].  I
> made an admin account 'test:test' if you want to try that part out.  You'll
> notice that the comments are pretty mangled.  All whitespace is removed.
> I'll try to fix that later.  For now, use your imagination.

Hmm...yeah that sounds annoying.

> Anyway I set this up so people can get a feel for it and see if they like it.
> If it isn't found to be very useful, I'll take it down.  If it is
> found to be useful,
> I'll put it up on a real server.

Wow, this looks really nice.  When I tried out the demo before I
didn't see the way to login and edit patch meta data but I use the
username/password that you mentoined and I see that it is very easy to
update the status of patches.  How do you add comments?  I don't see
the link for that.

I like this very much.  I hope it catches on.


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