New submission from Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Import of RT #145

markstos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2004-12-17
Here's my wish for a new option for the interactive darcs record:

option: e
short description: "edit file at this point"
long description:
Selecting this option opens the file being reviewed in an editor,
jumping to the first line of the hunk if possible. Once the editor
exits, the user will taken back to the interactive record session for
that file, starting with the first unapproved hunk in the file. If the
file has changed too much, perhaps will be necessary to start over
asking about hunks in that file.

The editor command invoked would default to 'DARCS_EDITOR +line_num
file_name.txt'. (That syntax works both vi and emacs derivatives).

Perhaps the editor command could be futher configured through an
environmental variable or a preference file, but I'm not sure that's
necessary for a first cut of the feature.

Here's a 'use case' for the feature: I was recording and saw that I had
left in some debugging statements I meant to remove. Whoops!. With the
"e" command, I could jump into the file, remove those lines, and return
to my record session.

messages: 1066
nosy: EricKow, droundy, markstos, tommy
priority: feature
status: unread
title: darcs record interactive option: "e" is for "edit"
topic: FromRequestTracker

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