It'd be really useful when debugging problems with darcs' interaction with SSH for darcs to dump the external commands it is executing. I have a temporary putStrLn that I uncomment in order to do this, but it would be better to have a flag, because then when a user reports some problem with darcs/SSH we can get them to show us the commands that their darcs is actually running (and perhaps the exit codes, too).

Should we add a flag --show-external that dumps the external commands? I started to do this, but it means propagating [DarcsFlag] all over the place, and the patch is going to be pretty big. Does anyone object to this? In GHC when we have to propagate a flag everywhere we sometimes resort to a top-level unsafePerformIO instead (since the flag is always constant for a given run of darcs, this isn't so bad). Thoughts?


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