New submission from Simon Marlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

David Roundy wrote:
> I'm cc'ing this to the bug tracker to create a bug for the feature request
> described below, which came up from an idea of Juliusz...
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 01:19:36AM +0100, Josef Svenningsson wrote:
>>On 1/11/07, David Roundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I think we'd really like to apply it not to the method, but to the instance
>>>itself.  So that use of the Show instance of Control.Exception.Exception
>>>would be deprecated.  This'd be more severe, since there might be classes
>>>that depend on a show instance, but don't actually use it.
>>>Another possibility for this particular problem would be to be able to
>>>rewrite the show instance.  If we could just remove the stupid "User
>>>error:" text from the show instance, I don't think it'd be a bug to use it
>>I did a little testing and it turns out that you can actually achieve
>>what you want. Just write another Show instance for C.E.Exception and
>>import it wherever there is a possibility that a bad show might be
>>lurking. GHC will only complain about duplicate instances if you
>>actually use a method from the Show class with the particular type
>>which has several instances. So GHC is doing exactly what you want!
> Cool! (I would have expected it to cause trouble even when we don't use
> show.) I think this'd be a great little cleanup.  We could put the import
> in impossible.h, which is #included almost everywhere.  :)
> For the benefit of the bug tracker, the idea is that we want to avoid using
> the Show instance of Control.Exception.Exception, which has the
> disadvantage of sometimes displaying "User error: xxx" when we failed with
> code such as error "xxx".  This isn't the user's fault, and we should never
> use this show instance (except if we've already checked that the exception
> is not a UserException or whatever it's called).  Adding this code to
> impossible.h will probably also require fixing a few (bad) uses of show.

I suggest not using userError, use a more descriptive exception type with 
dynamic exceptions (throwDyn, catchDyn).  This is what we do in GHC:

To avoid the use of IO.bracket, there are a couple of options:

   - Use -hide-package haskell98.  This probably works in 6.4.x.  No doubt
     you'll have to change a lot of code to import the base-package version
     of a lot of haskell98 modules, but you get to avoid a few of these legacy
     issues in one go.

   - the other way is to have a local 'IO' module that will override the
     haskell98 one.  This only works with GHC 6.6, however.

   - or just search for 'import IO' and replace them all with
     'import System.IO'.


messages: 1407
nosy: EricKow, beschmi, droundy, simonmarhaskell, tommy
status: unread
title: GHC and flagging use of a given constant

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