On Feb 7, 2008, at 12:38 AM, Petr Rockai wrote:

> Not sure what OS are you using, but at least Linux will still work if
> you are very tight with memory and have no swap. It will just work
> extremely slowly, since all it can swap is code pages (which are in
> the executables so they don't need extra swap space). It's usual that
> when you have no swap and run out of memory on Linux, trivial
> operations can take extremely long time.

Are you sure about this?  It seems like this could be a problem only  
when total amount of memory required by your applications is epsilon  
less than the physical memory, and it remains at just that level for  
a long period of time.

I've been running without swap for about four years now, and I've  
never observed trivial operations to take an extremely long time.   
(Indeed, the reason that I turned off swap is that now, without swap,  
all operations finish quickly -- there is no "swap thrash" state to  
cause operations to drag on for minutes or hours.)

Have you ever observed this phenomenon or is it just something you've  
heard about?

> Please make sure this is not
> a memory problem, since otherwise the timing is fairly worthless (and
> the issue is really in memory usage)... Also, checking what kind of
> load is on the machine (with say top) could help -- is it
> CPU-intensive or IO-intensive workload? Or is it mostly idling?

Wait, why would the timing be worthless?

The timing is a measure of how long it takes darcs and hg to do a  
task which I need to do (import ciphercycles tarball) on a machine  
that I need to use to do it.  Hg works fine in this situation.

Anyway, I'm re-running it now, with "strace -r -tt" for detailed  
timing information.  top shows that darcs is using 94 M virt, 88 M  
res, and consistently using about 40% to 50% CPU (it is sharing CPU  
with a ghc compile).  The darcs status-update-line output (you know,  
the nice new keep-the-user-informed feature of darcs-2) currently  
says "Writing pristine 2049/2058 :  
e07cd73fa2a129ece7aa452f7fe29b6c6185e8e1", and has said this same  
thing for at least ten minutes.

time strace -o tar.strace.log.txt -r -tt tar xjvf  


time strace -o darcsinit.log.txt -r -tt darcs init --hashed


time strace -o darcsadd.log.txt -r -tt darcs add -r  


time strace -o darcsrecord.log.txt -r -tt darcs record --all -- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -m'init import of ciphercycles-20070205'


(Hm, perhaps sharing the CPU with ghc compile made it take twice as  
long.  Or perhaps doing the strace logging slowed it down.)

And now for Mercurial:

time strace -o tar.strace.log.txt -r -tt tar xjvf  


time strace -o hginit.strace.log.txt -r -tt hg init


time strace -o hgaddremove.strace.log.txt -r -tt hg addremove


time strace -o hgcommit.strace.log.txt -r -tt hg commit -m'init  
import of ciphercycles-20070205'


Here is a .tar.bz2 containing all of the strace logs produced --  
https://zooko.com/stracelogs.tar.bz2 .  They contain fine-grained  
(microsecond) timing of each system call, so they should be a good  
help diagnosing why darcs is thousands of times slower than hg for  
this.  Here's the first clue:

wc -l straceit*/*.strace.log.txt

     12662 straceit/darcsadd.strace.log.txt
       323 straceit/darcsinit.strace.log.txt
   1912200 straceit/darcsrec.strace.log.txt
     14150 straceithg/hgaddremove.strace.log.txt
     59911 straceithg/hgcommit.strace.log.txt
      3614 straceithg/hginit.strace.log.txt
     15736 straceithg/tar.strace.log.txt
     15448 straceit/tar.strace.log.txt
   2034044 total

So darcs made 1.9 million system calls to do darcs record while hg  
made 60,000 system calls to do hg commit.



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