Dear all,

it took me some time to mentally organize the different proposals. I'd like
to summarize what I understood and discuss options for implementation.

Originally, there was demand for splitting and merging named patches that
are comprised of too many or too few patches respectively. Splitting is
useful for pulling (or depending on) only parts of a patch (for example a
utility function without the feature that introduced it.) Merging is useful
to retroactively combine associated patches and may simplify diff output if
merged patches add things that are removed by another merged patch.

My impression is that problems arise because patches depend on full named
patches rather than on the actual primitive patches that make relevant

Darcs rebase allows to split and merge patches. But it also changes the
identities of all descendant patches which was considered too disruptive.

As alternative solution "patch groups" were proposed as a means to bundle
certain patches under a user provided name. Like with branches in Git, it
should be possible to add and remove patches from a patch group and users
who have pulled a patch group should be able to follow such changes.

My impression is that the whole repository can be viewed as a patch group
that contains everything, so patch groups might be a generalization of
repositories. Adding and removing patch groups from a working directory
looks like switching branches in the same directory but more flexible. (My
impression is that patch groups can be combined more flexibly than

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Ganesh Sittampalam <> wrote:

> I think the general idea [of patch groups] is one that needs some careful
> design/exploration of the possibilities and in particular how it would
> overlap with the other idea we've discussed, of declaring that patches
> can supercede each other.

I have looked at changeset evolution and phases in Mercurial. If I
understand correctly, patch groups are a means to avoid changeset
evolution. Instead of changing patches, new patches that (partially) revert
old patches would be recorded and patch groups would hide unnecessary
details, for example by producing combined diffs.

On the other hand, changeset evolution is an alternative to patch groups.
Instead of adding and removing patches to and from patch groups, we could
have an evolving patch to which primitive patches would be

The difference between named patches and patch groups might be that patch
groups cannot have dependencies (if we decide so, which may be reasonable
to avoid the aforementioned problem of too coarse grained dependencies.)
Avoiding dependencies on complete patch groups presumably simplifies adding
and removing patches from patch groups.

 - can patch groups be hierarchical?

I think it should be possible to add a patch group to another. Examples are
adding a feature to the whole repository or incorporating common
functionality into different patch groups. The question is how to represent
this internally. I see two options:

1. When adding patch group g1 to patch group g2 add all patches of g1 to g2
so patch groups are always flat.

2. keep a tree structure of patch groups that allows to observe which group
was added to which.

I'm not sure if a tree structure is useful from a user perspective, as I
expect, e.g., diffs for a patch group to be accumulated and hence identical
with options 1 or 2. Even if the tree structure is not useful for the UI,
it may be more efficient to keep it. For example, comparing patch groups
might benefit from recognizing (and not descending into) identical nested
patch groups.

>  - is it allowed for them to overlap?

Overlapping seems useful for the "incorporating common functionality into
different patch groups" scenario. Overlapping does not change the
underlying sets of primitive patches, so I think it is reasonable for patch
groups to share patches or even nested groups. So rather than a tree of
groups we would have a directed acyclic graph.

>  - should we replace the current concept of patch names with patch
> groups?

Good question. On one hand patch groups have similar attributes to named
patches (author, name, and possibly a summarizing description.) On the
other hand patch groups may not be allowed to have dependencies which
distinguishes them from named patches.

It looks like named patches are like flat patch groups with dependencies
and what I outlined are nested patch groups without dependencies. Assuming
we want nesting without dependencies, I'm not sure if we should get rid of
the former if we have the latter or keep both.

Compared with changeset evolution, I like about patch groups without
dependencies that things that are depended upon never change. Patch groups
look like a convenient way to exchange patches using similar workflows like
changeset evolution avoiding some of the problems of evolution.

What do you think? What are problems / corner cases to consider? How
expensive is the implementation likely to be? Do you have alternatives in
mind I did not mention?

Best regards,
darcs-users mailing list

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