Say we have two related repositories 'head' and 'dev', actually both 
branches of the same project, i.e. 'dev' contains a number of patches that 
are not in 'head'. Now I want to see the end-result of all I have done in 
'dev' compared to the 'head' branch, suitable for displaying in a graphical 
diff viewer such as kompare.

I can do 'darcs push ../head --dry-run -v' but the result is not usable for 
external diff viewers. One possible solution would be an extra option for 
'darcs diff' that selects another (related) repository such as indicated in 
the subject line of this message; so I could say

        darcs diff --related-repo=../head --diff-command="kompare %1 %2"

A simple work-around is to (temporarily) tag the 'head' branch, pull the 
tag, and then 'darcs diff --from-tag'. This could also hint to a possible 
implementation of the feature.

Ben Franksen
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