A very late follow-up:

I recently wrote a simple wrapper script for darcsweb. Darcsweb is, of 
course, not a full-featured GUI for darcs. The idea was rather to have 
something like 'hg view' for darcs.

The script is written (I should say: hacked together) in Python; it copies 
some configuration data (including the complete darcsweb.cgi) into temporary 
directories and then starts a properly configured CGI-enabled web server. I 
have been thinking about uploading the repo somewhere but it is really low 
quality code (though small and simple) and my Python-fu is rather weak... I 
am sure someone else could do this much better.

If there is interest I can upload it to e.g. darcsden.

Gian Piero Carrubba wrote:

> Hi Xan,
> sorry for the delay.
> abstract: I agree with you.
> * [Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 09:07:02AM +0200] Xan:
>>> Anyway, even if not strictly related, I would like to point to the
>>> graphical user interface seen in the camp video. Am I wrong or there
>>> where some plans for adopting/integrating it sometime ago ? I guess they
>>> don't still stand, but imo a graphical interface could be useful for the
>>> 'lonesome' developer.
>>> If I am right it also displayed the patches dependencies, a feature that
>>> seems very useful to me.
>>I was focus in web UI because it's for *everyone*. GUI is always
>>rectricted to a environment: you have to install GTK libs, or QT libs,
>>or .... with web, you just have to got simple browser....
> You're right, a webUI is a simpler approach... well, apart when it
> isn't: if you had to install an http server, a DB, and so on, I would
> prefer a good old GUI for tasks that do not require the interface to be
> publicly accessible. Anyway Ganesh already ruled out this scenario.
> I was mentioning the GUI only because I assume it is already available
> and IIRC someone proposed integrating/adopting it some time ago. And to
> be honest I don't even know if it was a full featured GUI. I vaguely
> remember the video and recall it showed the dependency tree, but don't
> know if it had other features apart from that.
>>But I will be very glad with your application.
> Probably I worded it wrong. Unfortunately I don't have the skills for
> this.
>>I think that the graphical (web or GUI) is a critical point for darcs
>>adoption. It could be best versioning system in the world theorically
>>but if you don't bring a graphical interface (all cli), then you have a
>>minority of users.... this is my point of view. I'm just an sporadical
> Well, I guess it depends on personal preferences and usage. While I
> consider it a nice addition, I'm not so excited about it as I was, i.e.,
> with regard to the rebase command that saved my day just a week or two
> ago (God bless you, Ganesh). Also, I would like a dependency tree graph
> but apart from this I'm not sure I would use the GUI much.
> But again I agree that it's a nice-to-have and that darcs could benefit
> from it.
> Ciao,
> Gian Piero.
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