On 24/11/2014 10:07, Xan wrote:

> So what darcs record these changes as content changes and not as "renaming 
> files" changes. If the content is greater, then it's cheaper to have rename 
> patch than diff patch of the contents.
> Is there any reason for that?
> What's is the minimal set of changes calculed between two sets of files? Is 
> there any theory of that? I read the theory documents and I can't see that.

In general darcs doesn't automatically try to look for "clever" changes
like file move/rename and token replace.

The development version of darcs (i.e. the upcoming 2.10 release) does
have the --look-for-moves and --look-for-replaces flags, but they're
based on heuristics and don't make any effort to find a "minimal" set of

I think this is an important topic though, particularly if/when darcs
acquires more and more complicated patch types.



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