On Wed, 4 Mar 2015, Simon Michael wrote:

On this: it's great that Ganesh is willing to code it up, but I find it hard to be enthusiastic. hub.darcs.net is a service I offer for free, dev/ops time is always scarce and I doubt that perpetuating the oldest data formats is the best use of my & our energy. IMHO this will just increase the surface area for bugs and weird operational issues that will need to be dealt with, for ever.

As far as I understand darcs will continue to support darcs-1 hashed format anyway. I do not know how complicated support for hashed format in darcsden is. I even wouldn't be sad, if support for hashed format is restricted, e.g. it's ok for me if inspecting changes via http://hub.darcs.net does not work for hashed format. But maybe the complication is just caused by supporting more than one format. And maybe this complication comes anyway, if a darcs-3 format is introduced in a shiny future?

In fact I've always thought that part of hub.darcs.net's value would be to once and for all, FINALLY provide a good reason for the last hold-outs to upgrade their repos away from the exponential-bug-vulnerable old-fashioned format which has besmirched darcs' reputation for so long.

My last state of knowledge is that the exponential merge time bug is not gone with darcs-2, it only occurs in different situations, right? Thus I deferred updating my repositories so far. If the exponential merge problem is finally resolved I would reconsider converting my repos. If new change types like indentation changes and block-moves are added I would even reconsider more quickly (although new features are error-prone and in a repository this is critical).

Can you describe your situation in more detail ? Are these repos haskell ecosystem-related, public, private... ? The usual course for this upgrade is to upgrade the master repo and then have all contributors re-fetch their clones one time. Can't you do that ?

I don't know how many people follow my repositories. But I have many branches of the same repositories on my machine, e.g. one clean branch for hackage upload and other branches with experimental code. The repositories in the old format are of course older than the ones I have already uploaded to hub.darcs.net. They include projects like numeric-prelude, sox, synthesizer, midi, alsa, jack, fft, gnuplot, data-accessor, storablevector, llvm-tf, propability, utility-ht. A quick count on code.haskell.org results in about 80 such repositories.
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