...also involved some playing around with patch theory (again). I
noticed that RepoPatchV1 heavily uses unsafeCoerceP and friends and saw
a comment that explains it, historically. It suggested that a better
representation might lead to less of these type castings. Another
comment made look at very early versions of darcs1 that still contained
David's explanations in the code (Patch.lhs). This early code does has
no witnesses (so it isn't swamped with coertions) and does not yet use
the optimization of pre-calculating the effect and the unwinding and
putting them into the patch type. I wondered why merge and commute need
to be so complicated since even with David's explanations this isn't
completely clear, so I started playing around with it, which of course
didn't work. The explanation I found is that while the semantics of a
first level Merger is simple (Merger a b applies after a, represents b,
and has effect a^-1), this simple semantics works only if a and b are
prim patches and not when one of them is themself a Merger. Darcs1 has
Mergers nested within Mergers and, as I learned, their semantics is
necessarily very complicated.

That led me to try again to understand the camp theory. The last version
I had read (which was quite some time ago) had many parts missing and
did not yet contain any (Coq) formalizations and few explanations, so I
did not understand it back then. With the latest version I understood
the ideas (which to a large extent is due to my being more familiar with
darcs' patch theory). It explains the algorithms pretty well and my
understanding is that the camp theory is actually simpler than that of
darcs-2. Furthermore, appendix B explains why both darcs theories cannot
have the properties we would like, in particular why concistency of
failure (in the presence of duplicate patches) is actually not
attainable there.

So I thought about how to incorporate camp theory as some sort of
RepoPatchV3 into darcs. I think the greatest hurdle here is that camp
relies on primitive patches to be "named", that is, we must generate and
store some unique ID with every primitive patch. The appendix B explains
pretty well why this is needed. I think this could be done by adding
(yet) another class (interface) for prim patches, one which is used only
to implement RepoPatchV3, so could perhaps be hidden inside the


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