On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 07:55:28PM +0100, Ben Franksen wrote:
> Am 21.11.20 um 03:13 schrieb James Cook:
> >>> How do we present this at the user level?
> >>>
> >>> The unresolved conflict is probably presented quite similar to how we do
> >>> it in Darcs now: we tell them that there is a conflict between A and B
> >>> and present the alternatives a1 and b1 as the "content" of the conflict,
> >>> e.g. using conflict markup.
> >>>
> >>> So far so good. But what about conflict resolution? Suppose the user
> >>> decides that a1 is what they want after all. How do we represent the
> >>> chosen sequence, consisting of
> >>>
> >>>   A=(a1;a2);B=(b2)
> >>>
> >>> with a "crippled" B in a sensible way?
> >>>
> >>> This is just a UI question, but it may be important. For instance, if a
> >>> different user later pushes B to another repo, they may be surprised to
> >>> see that what they push contains more prims than they could see i.e. it
> >>> will be the original B=(b1;b2)!
> >>
> >> Although I haven't fully worked it out, the answer I'm leaning toward
> >> is that the deactivation of b1 behaves like a patch (b1 inverse, if you
> >> want to think of it that way). So if your repo has B=(b2), that really
> >> means it has b1,b2,b1^; b1^ probably appears as part of the conflict
> >> resolution patch. When you push your changes, b1^ gets pushed too. There
> >> is no way for b1 to ever become active again, except obliteration of b1^.
> >>
> >> I like this point of view because it gives a simple monotone rule about
> >> what happens to each prim when you push: each prim can be in state 0
> >> (not present), 1 (present) or 2 (was present but now deleted), and
> >> merging puts each prim in the max of the two original states (plus
> >> conflict resolution, which is also monotone). This is what I was
> >> thinking in an earlier email when I said I want "inverses on all the
> >> not-chosen branches instead of a flag on the chosen branch" of the
> >> tree.
> > 
> > Oops, this doesn't really answer the question you raised. The user would
> > still push both b1 and b2 if they decide to push just B. I need to slow
> > down a bit...
> Whether it answers the question I raised or not, I am not sure I like
> the plan you laid out above. (Before you reply, please read until the end.)

I hope my below responses address some of your concerns. Hopefully I
will also have a write-up soon so it'll be more clear what I'm talking

> I dislike inversion of named patches (regardless of whether they are
> "compound" patches i.e. changesets, or just named prims). One problem is
> that a named patch and its inverse don't cancel. We have discussed this
> at great lengths. It means that algebraically they aren't inverses in
> the usual sense, but only in the much weaker sense of inverse monoids
> (or inverse categories). Dealing with these weaker concepts of inversion
> is considerably more difficult. A second and related problem is that the
> presence of inverses leads to ambiguities wrt the semantics of
> "contexts": on the one hand we want P;P^ to have identical starting and
> ending context. But then we no longer have a tree of patches, but a
> graph, and that graph is not even acyclic. And since we cannot cancel
> inverses, a path through that graph is not allowed to make "shortcuts".
> This makes the whole idea of patches leading from one context to another
> quite unintuitive IMO.

I agree that patch inverses can cause confusion when we allow them to
appear in patch sequences.

The lines I've been thinking along lately don't really have any place
for "inverse patches" (except maybe as temporary objects that exist
when computing a merge).

I was, however, thinking that deactivation would be "permanent" or
"sticky", in the sense that once a prim patch has been deactivated, it
cannot be re-activated except by obliterating the thing that
deactivated it. The only reason for this requirement is that it makes
it easier to reason about how everything will work.

An implementation of this might end up accumulating "deactivation
markers" to help keep track of which patches have been deactivated.
This is what I meant by "inverses on all the not-chosen branches".
Maybe I should not have called them "inverses", because they would not
behave like inverse patches (they're nothing more than a name; they
cannot appear in a patch sequence).

Does that resolve your concern about the bad behaviour of inverse

Below, you have a good argument that the "permanent" aspect of
deactivation could cause problems, which I've responded to.

> Here is what I imagined things to work (but note the caveat below):
> We mark the "chosen" patches as "active" (or, equivalently, mark the
> "unchosen" patches as "inactive") and remove the ability to invert named
> patches from the theory. I am convinced that for the merge algorithm
> (the "flattened" version w/o considering changesets i.e. only for named
> prims) we won't be missing inversion at all.

I agree that we can probably do without inverses.

> The idea is that inactive
> patches are still 100% first class members of our repo: their inactive
> status can change to active at any time. This is necessary, since e.g.
> obliterating all conflicting patches must turn it into an active one.

Yes, I have been trying to ensure inactive patches have a place to live
so they can be re-activated.

> Similarly, choosing a different resolution to the conflict will move the
> active flag from one patch to another. Of course there need to be
> restrictions in place that guarantee that this doesn't violate
> invariants. The most important such invariant in this regard is that the
> active patches form a path in the tree that starts at the root (empty
> context). Thus, if an active patch B depends on another (necessarily
> also active) patch A, then then A cannot change its status to inactive
> without B also becoming inactive.
> However, after writing the above I realised that this idea has a serious
> flaw: a repo is no longer defined by the set of patches that it
> contains! If A and B conflict, then one repo may have {A,(B)}, while
> another repo has {(A),B} (where the notation (X) means that X is inactive).
> If instead of marking patches as active/inactive we add inverses for
> inactive patches, as you proposed above, we can avoid that problem. So a
> conflict resolution always has to be a new patch that (at least) inverts
> all but one of the conflicting alternatives. Such a theory will be even
> closer to that of Darcs with (V3) conflictors.

This is essentially my motivation for making deactivation "permanent".
It makes merging of repos easier to reason about.

> I fear that dealing with nested conflicts in such a theory will be
> similary unwieldy as in Darcs. What I mean is the scenarion where one
> repo has A;B;C;... which depend on one another, and another has X which
> conflicts with A. We pull A on top of X and resolve the conflict. Then
> we pull B and have to resolve the same conflict again because B will
> conflict with our resolution. And so on with C etc. But I may be wrong
> about that.

This is a good point. I have a couple of thoughts on this.


It might not so bad, at least if you pull A;B;C all at once.

When you try to merge the two repos, the UI could tell you that X conflicts
with all of A;B;C, and give you three choices:

a) deactivate X
b) deactivate A, B and C
c) deactivate all four patches, and place conflict markers in the working
   directory everywhere the four patches made changes, as a reminder to
   record a new patch


I think it might be possible to allow a patch to be re-activated as
long as another patch depends on it. In your example, that would mean A
could be re-activated when you pull B.

Previously I was thinking something along these lines:

  A patch is active if it's present in the repository and there's no
  deactivation marker for it.

Perhaps that could be expanded to:

  A patch is active if it's present in the repository and there's no
  deactivation marker for it, *OR* another active patch in the
  repository depends on it.

Once I've made more progress writing up my idea, it should be clear
whether this is compatible with it.

> It is also unclear to me how to handle a repo with unresolved conflicts:
> on the one hand the inversion is part of the resolution instead of being
> part of the (conflicted) patch, but on the other hand we cannot have
> both conflicting patches applied! So your VCS will have to add some sort
> of "automatic resolution patch". Unfortunately, such a patch cannot be a
> first class citizen; for instance, we cannot obliterate it.

Hopefully we won't need the "automatic resolution patch". Instead, we
could do this. First, create pending changes that deactivate both
conflicting patches, but don't record them yet. Then modify the working
directory by adding conflict resolution markers. The user should then
resolve the conflict by editing the files. When they record, the two
pending deactivations will be included as part of the "conflict
resolution" patch they make.

> Cheers
> Ben

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