Am 15.09.21 um 05:21 schrieb Stephen J. Turnbull:
James Cook writes:
  > > All of this is obviously quite possible with Darcs.  The problem is
  > > getting the "accounting" right when separating the management of
  > > *sets* of patches from the management of *histories*.  IIRC, in Darcs
  > > the history is in the patches, which means a bit of tedious surgery on
  > > data structures needs to be done.
  > I'm not sure what you mean by "histories" as distinct from "sets of
  > patches". Shouldn't a branch just be a set of patches?

Apparently not, see Ben's response for accurate details.

It depends on what you mean with "patches". From a user perspective, it is indeed true that a branch is a set of patches. My response was about the implementation which has a different view.

The confusion arises because "patch" is a very broad term that covers many subtly different concepts and it depends on the context what is meant. By analogy, think of the term "number": it could mean natural number, integer, rational number, and so on up to complex and even hypercomplex numbers, all of which have common operations and properties (like a commutative addition), but differ in other aspects (like whether additive inverses exist).

Patches as seen by the user are "abstract" in the sense that they are actually equivalence classes of concrete patches (as stored in memory or on disk). A concrete patch consists of a sequence of primitive changes (possibly in conflicted form) together with meta-data (name, author, date, etc). The meta-data is the only part that is guaranteed to remain invariant under commutation and is therefore used to identify abstract patches. The implementation keeps track of the order of patches, restricting re-orderings according to what is allowed by the commutation laws. Thus, from the user perspective, any two sequences of patches are semantically the same (equivalent) if and only if their set of identifiers are the same.

In git things are simpler because it uses a more low-level approach: the user deals with commits and a commit is identified by a hash of its content, which includes the identifier (content hash) of its predecessor. This means the order is baked into the commits themselves, so there is no need to store it separately. You can manually re-order commits (using rebase), but there is no guarantee about equivalency and the re-ordered commits have different content and therefore different identities. Git has heuristics to guess when two different commits are meant to be "the same change", which allows for commands like cherry-pick to work well enough in practice. In contrast, Darcs never guesses and it guarantees equivalence, and thus lets you work with the more high-level concept of "abstract" patches, re-ordering the concrete patches automatically as needed. That said, the abstraction here is somewhat leaky, as the concrete order of patches can be observed (darcs log) and, to a certain extent, influenced by the user (darcs pull --reorder-patches, darcs optimize reorder).

I would rather have questions that cannot be answered, than answers that
cannot be questioned.  -- Richard Feynman

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