
I've recently acquired a camera with an X-Trans sensor, and have had little
trouble generating images that contain areas prone to demosaicing artifacts.

Is anyone interested in these? If so, is there a certain place I should
host/send them? I have camera generated JPG for comparison along with the
RAF files.

In playing around I've discovered a few things:

1) Color smoothing is mandatory, as fine lines and especially specular
highlights will always generate nasty color artifacts when using the baisc
demosaicing. Seems like a smarter highlight recovery algorithm could help
identify many of these problem spots.

2) None of the 'denoise' modules have sufficient parameter ranges to deal
well with the X-Trans files.

3) When sufficient denoising is performed to remove maze and color
artifacts, the difference between VNG and Markesteijn demosaicing is

I have a style preset which can produce images that match the camera JPGs
as far as noise/detail goes (utilizing the equalizer module) at ISO 3200.

Color is another matter, but I've ordered one of the Wolf Faust IT8 charts
to try and make an ICC profile.

(I tried making one using the multi target studio
shots, and while the results were OK, they weren't great).

P.S. Is there any plan to support Fuji's RawExposureBias exif tag? It is
necessary to display high ISO RAF images at the correct brightnesss.

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