
After many, many iterations, I have arrived at what appears to be a good
input color matrix for the FujiFilm X70.

The profile is probably compatible with all X-Trans CMOS II cameras, a list
which also includes X-E2, X-E2S, X-T1, X100S, X100T and possibly others.

My methodology followed the "well behaved camera color profile guide" and
my calibration target was a Wolf Faust IT8 chart shot in direct sunlight
(with the sun at approx. a 45 degree angle to the horizon).

The profile can be found here:

If you want to take a crack at it yourself the raw file is here:

I'm unsure whether I'm at liberty to share the it8 batch reference file
publicly, so please contact me privately and I'll provide it.

If anyone thinks they can do better, I'd love to know how. In the end I
used only darktable to process (exposure and white point correction,
cropping) the raw file. The results look good to me. I have to say the
whole process was much more subjective than I thought it would be going in.
I have several images which contain extremely problematic purple/blue hues
and so if ya'll take a crack at this I'd love a chance to test the profile
before it is added as an 'enhanced matrix' as I noted wide variations in
the accuracy of these hues throughout my many iterations.

In any case, I think it's a vast improvement over the 'standard matrix'.

Note that the current git version of darktable at the time of this writing
does not read the raw black levels for this camera, which may throw off
your results very slightly (I manually entered the black levels stated in
the RAF metadata when processing the file.)

I should note that darktable's 'fujifilm like' basecurve is way off for
this camera, I've made my own which is close, however I suspect that the
fact that darktable doesn't honor Fuji's RawExposureBias tag may be
throwing off the results, so I lack enough confidence in the result to
submit it for inclusion.

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