On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 11:17 AM, Ingo Liebhardt <ingo.liebha...@ziggo.nl>

> Ah, and by the way @J Liles: could you please explain me a bit more what
> you mean by ‚textile like artifact‘, I’d like to investigate that one a bit
> more in-depth.
> Thx
> Am 21.12.2016 um 20:10 schrieb Ingo Liebhardt <ingo.liebha...@ziggo.nl>:
> Hi all,
> Thanks a lot for the feedback, and no worries if it takes you a while
> testing it.
> As you see, I’m also progressing rather slowly on my side…
> It’s still a proof-of-concept and I have quite some items on my to do
> list, most notably:
> - the literature mentions training the filters based on reference images,
> and I’m slowly working on this, hoping that it would further increase image
> quality. So far, the filters are designed using the window design method.
> - trying to find out where the hue shifts come from - I already noticed
> them, too.
> Other things like performance improvements will be for later…
> I’ll let you know as soon as I make progress on the filters.
> Cheers,
> Ingo
> Am 21.12.2016 um 01:14 schrieb J. Liles <malnour...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 7:40 PM, J. Liles <malnour...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Ingo Liebhardt <ingo.liebha...@ziggo.nl
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Maybe you still remember that I tried an alternative approach to X-Trans
>>> demosaicking (using guided filtering) in March / April this year…
>>> In the end, I was not satisfied, and I gave up on that approach. The
>>> problems were comparable to the Markesteijn algorithm, and the improvements
>>> marginal.
>>> After giving up on that approach, I was again browsing conference papers
>>> trying to get some inspiration.
>>> I came across the work of E. Dubois, which looked promising.
>>> It is promising, not so much when applied alone, but very much so when
>>> combined with a gradient based approach like Markesteijn.
>>> I like Jo’s xtrans fringes profile a lot, but the colors get somewhat
>>> muted, overall.
>>> Contrary to my first approach, this one finally seems to give reasonable
>>> results.
>>> I managed to get good output for the redline bug #10333.
>>> You can have a look here: dropbox link
>>> <https://www.dropbox.com/sh/un1y11uimbqxjjk/AAD3L-Rs9-ztwyBIm4rnCzK-a?dl=0>
>>> This is the output just with demosaic + base curve, nothing else.
>>> If you want to try some nasty X-Trans images yourself, I made a little
>>> proof-of-concept.
>>> This in form of a fork of darktable, which you can find here:
>>> https://github.com/ILiebhardt/darktable.git
>>> For trying, just compile, deactivate openCL (only C code thus far), and
>>> choose ‚1 pass Markesteijn‘ as demosaicking method (doesn’t work for
>>> 3-pass, and wouldn’t really yield advantages, either).
>>> Have fun trying, and let me know if you think that this one’s worth
>>> pursuing further (only quick hack so far, and the used correlation filters
>>> are a slow, naive implementation O(m n p q)).
>>> If you’d like to read some basics concerning the idea, I made a
>>> mini-blog here: http://xtransdemosaicking.blogspot.nl
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ingo
>>> P.S.: concerning my previous approach, J Liles spotted single
>>> pixel artifacts. I found out that these are not related tot the
>>> demosaicking as such. X-Trans 2 and X-Trans 3 have hybrid AF, and the
>>> pixels used for phase detection show higher noise. These are all green
>>> pixels of a 4-group of pixels; never a red or blue, and never a solitary
>>> green. But solving this would be a whole different project...
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>> Ingo,
>> Great to hear you're still working on this!
>> I haven't reviewed the code of the algorithm, but I did give it a try on
>> a few images.
>> Here's one in particular (lots of sharpening added to make the
>> differences more obvious.)
>> http://www.nevermindhim.com/liebhardt-test
>> Direct image links:
>> http://www.nevermindhim.com/files/liebhardt-test/6acffe60-09
>> c5-11e6-93d7-178612e3e7eb_E1_VNG.png
>> http://www.nevermindhim.com/files/liebhardt-test/6acffe60-09
>> c5-11e6-93d7-178612e3e7eb_E1_Markesteijn.png
>> http://www.nevermindhim.com/files/liebhardt-test/6acffe60-09
>> c5-11e6-93d7-178612e3e7eb_E1_Liebhardt.png
>> My first impressions are:
>> 1) (obviously you know this) It's slow
>> 2) It introduces a hue shift
>> 3) It does a better job of controlling color noise than VNG or
>> Markesteijn.
>> 4) Artifacts are similar in structure to Markesteijn (maze-like)
>> 5) There is an additional textile like artifact that Markesteijn doesn't
>> exhibit.
>> 6) It overshoots in interpolating across gradients, but not as much as
>> VNG does.
>> If you can get rid of the textile effect and, color cast, and speed it
>> up, this looks like it would be an improvement over Markesteijn (with no
>> color smoothing/noise reduction). It's already looking more "film like"
> Replying to myself here...
> Added another set of images to:
> http://www.nevermindhim.com/liebhardt-test
> This time correcting for the hue shift (with auto white balance).
> I wanted to illustrate how it deals with a high ISO (12800) image, with
> and without noise reduction and sharpening.
> As you can see, the result is a definite improvement, especially the noise
> reduced version. There may be a slight loss of sharpness, but for me it's
> worth it to get rid of those crusty false colors.
> However, whether or not even this is better than the SOOC JPEG (NR -4,
> Sharpness 0) is debatable. It seems like using the maximum NR in darktable
> is required to produce a similar result as the minimum NR in camera...
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> darktable developer mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to
> darktable-dev+unsubscr...@lists.darktable.org
In TEST IMAGE 1, look at the blue TV screen behind the subject's head. You
can see a textile/grid type effect that wasn't really there. This effect
doesn't appear with VNG or Markesteijn. It looks like the your weightings
might be off causing the X-Trans pattern to show through when interpolating
solid colors.

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